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Ektara's Etihas video magazine
9th issue, September 2016

(See the list of previous issues)

This is the ninth issue of, the online video magazine of history, arts and culture of India and South Asia. We hope our stories and interviews will entertain and inspire you, and arouse your appetite for more about our rich and diverse pasts.

In this September 2016 issue, we bring you the following short videos and segments:

1. Sunil Sharma: His journey through Indo-Persian literature, part 2
2. Amma moray baba ko bhejo ri: sung by Madan Bala Sindhu and friends
3. Featured video: Dhruv Raina - Rewriting the History of Science...
4. Dyeing of fabrics in India: a guide to online resources

1. Sunil Sharma: His journey through Indo-Persian
literature and culture, part 2
(see part 1)
Prof Sunil Sharma (from Boston University) continues his journey through the study of Indo-Persian culture and literature. Here he talks about the various poets, literary genres and trends in Persian of South Asia that he has studied as part of his career, and how Persian is important in order to understand the history and heritage and South Asia. The first part of this talk is here.

2. Amma moray baba ko bhejo ri:
Sung by Madan Bala Sindhu and friends

Married girls in north India or Pakistan sing this folk song requesting their mother to send some relative (like father, uncle or brother) to bring them home to enjoy the rainy season. The song is attributed to Hazrat Amir Khusrau Dehlvi of 14th century. Madan Bala Sindhu and her group sing many such songs related to weddings and seasons.

3. Featured video: Dhruv Raina - Rewriting the History of Science
and Philosophy in Late Colonial India

Dhruv Raina, Professor at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, speaks on the history of science and philosophy. Lecture recording by courtesy of 'Cosmopolitanism and the Local in Science and Nature' series.

4. Dyeing of fabrics in India: some online resources:
India has had a rich tradition of cloth weaving as well as their dyeing using natural colours. Many of these traditions and crafts are still practiced in various parts of India. We present a list of online as well as offline resources on dyeing of fabrics. See here >>

Latest issue of magazine
Please note: The entire year's videos and features that we brought you via magazine in 2016 will be available in a DVD for purchase in December 2016. Please book your DVD by writing to us.
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