
What is Ektara

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History for People

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Who is building Ektara

The team of Ektara comprises of historians, cultural activists and media professionals based in India and abroad.

Yousuf Saeed, the founder of Ektara, is an independent filmmaker and researcher who has been active in media and arts since last 26 years. See more details at www.yousufsaeed.com 

Other Associates, Collaborators and Advisers so far:
(These names are placed here in no particular order or hierarchy)

Sunil Sharma: Professor of Persianate & Comparative Literature at the Boston University, MA, USA. See more details about Sunil Sharma >>

Raziuddin Aquil: Professor, History, Delhi University. More details >>

Atmaram Bhakal: Independent scholar and thinker.

Madan Gopal Singh: Professor of English literature, Sufi singer, and speaker.
See more details >>

Shashwati Talukdar: Filmmaker and researcher based in USA, Taiwan and India.
Details >>

Rakov Kirpal: Web design, programming etc. More details >>

At Ektara we strive to keep our information and media about history as authentic and unbiased as possible. We do not wish to ascribe to a particular political standpoint or interpretation of historical facts, and wish to represent a holistic and scientific view of facts. The visitors are free to provide their comment and feedback on our content.

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