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Kindly note: Ektara.org is different from other groups by similar names such as Ektaraindia.in, Ek tara, Ektara Collective and Ektara foundation etc. We launched out activities and products in 2003.

Ektara video magazine
September 2020

(See the list of previous issues)

A warm welcome to Ektara, the online video magazine of history, society and culture of India and South Asia. At the time of global issues like covid-19 pandemic and other political as well as economic crisis, Ektara broadens its horizons to include features on current as well as historical issues. Ektara magazine comes out once every two months. We need your support to keep it running.

In this new issue, we bring you the following short videos and segments:

1. Music of India: Pandit Jasraj, a documentary by James Beveridge
2. Asghar Ali Engineer: How History is Told
3. Dastavezi: The Audio-Visual South Asia (e-journal)
4. Khayal Darpan: Watch documentary-on-demand

1. Music of India: Pandit Jasraj, a documentary by James Beveridge
At the demise of India's celebrated vocalist Pandit Jasraj, we present a seasoned documentary film on him produced by Canadian filmmaker James Beverigde in 1970.

2. Asghar Ali Engineer: How History is Told
Peace activist (late) Asghar Ali Engineer talks about what goes into the writing of history and how the prejudices of a history writer can change the way people percieve their past. Recording from Ektara's old archive.

3. Dastavezi: The Audio-Visual South Asia (e-journal)

Dastavezi is an international peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal, which seeks to reposition film as a central mode of knowing and thinking about South Asia. It is the first peer-reviewed journal connecting scholarly research from and about South Asia with filmic practices.
Second issue of the journal features documentary 'Campus Rising' and an essay by its filmmaker Political Documentary Film in Today’s India.

4. Khayal Darpan: Watch the documentary-on-demand on vimeo
Feature-length documentary 'Khayal Darpan' about the development of classical music in Pakistan (by an Indian filmmaker) is now available to watch or download on vimeo's video-on-demand. Please support independent documentary film and shared arts of South Asia by watching this film.

Also read about the lecture Partition and Classical Music delivered by Yousuf Saeed at Indian Alliance Paris on August 22, 2020. Watch the lecture on Facebook.

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