Ektara video magazine
March 2019
(See the list of previous issues)
Imagine, what pain would a loving mother
have endured while bringing up a child
who is hacked to death by the slayer in one attack.
If you cannot tolerate the prick of an arrow on your body,
you have no right to use a sword on someone's neck.
You're proud of killing hundreds of your enemies in a battle?
We'd consider you a real man if you bring a dead one alive!
~ Amir Khusrau Dehlavi (1253-1325)
Welcome to Ektara, an online platform of shared history, society and culture of India and South Asia. We hope our video stories and interviews will entertain and inspire you, and arouse your appetite for more about our rich and diverse pasts. Ektara magazine comes out once every two months. We need your support to keep it running. We even invite your contributions for its content.
In this new issue, we bring you the following videos and announcements:
1. The Ganita Story: a documentary film on the history of Mathematics
2. From Mecca to Sufi Shrines: Exhibition of Islamic Poster Art at SBU, NY
3. History of Indian Nationalism: Online resources
4. Tasveer Ghar update: Two new visual essays on the images of masculinities
5. Featured video: Going Back to Pakistan: 70 Years After Partition (Witness)
6. Other event announcements