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Human Rights in India
Historical sources on the Internet

July 2018

Is the concept of 'human rights' or the right to live, be respected, protected and to express and profess what you like, a western concept? Or is it something that existed (or violated) in Indian society since ages? We bring a selection of resources that explore its historical background. We are avoiding debates on the current situation, and documenting mostly the historical resources here. If you find any discrepency here, do let us know.

Historical Perspective of Human Right (Shodhganga) http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/34296/8/08_chapter%20i.pdf

Legal and civil rights of women in Mughal India: Dr. Angbin yasmin

Historical judgement on the Right to Water in India

When Human Rights Broke The Internet in India (Newslaundry)

‘Human Rights as a Western Construct: India as an Example’ (Ila Tyagi)

Religious Dialogue and Human Rights: Scenario in India, Swati Chakraborty

India’s abuse of women is the biggest human rights violation on Earth: Deepa Narayan https://theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/27/india-abuse-women-human-

So what is India’s human rights record really like? By Indulekha Aravind http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/58662843.cms

Untouchables (Dalits) and Human Rights in India: Shreedhar Barki https://worldwidejournals.com/paripex/recent_issues_pdf/2013/August/August_

India a ‘History-Sheeter’ in UN Records for Reprisals Against Human Rights Activists:
The Wire


Human Rights Movements in India: Vibhuti Patel https://researchgate.net/publication/258185816_Human_Rights_Movements_

Corruption and Human Rights in India: Comparative Perspectives on Transparency and Good Governance: C. Raj Kumar http://oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198077329.001

Historical Evolution Of Human Rights World Wide And In India: Anwin John http://academia.edu/10421419/HISTORICAL_EVOLUTION_OF_HUMAN_RIGHTS_

History & Development of Human Rights in Indian: NIDHI MADAN

The idea of human rights in ancient Indian society: Swati Singh Parmar

Human Rights Violations in British Raj

British India: People and Human Rights Violations

Humanitarianism, Human Rights and Biopolitics in the British Empire, 1890–1902 https://euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/brw.2016.0216?journalCode=brw

India’s torture record is dire – but Britain has little to crow about

For LGBT Indians, Time To Right A British-Era Wrong: Shashi Tharoor

Conceptual Outline of Human Rights in Ancient Indian Literature: Puneet Pathakhttps://researchgate.net/publication/251570470_Conceptual_Outline_of_Human_

Human Rights in Indian Culture: A Bird's Eye View: S. N. Sabathttps://tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13642980701725319?src=recsys

Human Rights in Ancient Indian Thought: Aggarwal Parul http://indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ajrssh&volume=8&issue=4&article=006

Are the Principles of Human Rights "Western" Ideas? An Analysis of the Claim of the "Asian" Concept of Human Rights from the Perspectives of Hinduism: Surya P. Subedi https://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1260&

Also see Ektara's previous list of links: Caste in India, online resources on history.

This list is in progress. Please let us know if you know of some good archive on the Internet which concerns us and we may have missed. Please report if you find any dead links.

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